4 Do’s And Don’ts For Creating Effective Business Signage!

Signage Companies in Dubai

Business signs can be an extremely effective tool if you’re looking to expand and attract new customers in the UAE, but only if they’re designed well.

Here are the 4 do’s and don’ts of creative signage that not only helps your store stand out from the crowd, it also persuades customers to come in and buy!

1.     DO sell the brand

Your sign is a physical representation of your brand, so make sure it reflects everything unique to you and your business!

Think about your products, services, and the user experience. What do you offer that your competitors don’t?

During the creative process, don’t be afraid to have a little fun! In fact, Signage companies in Dubai actually recommend using uncommon fonts and funky logos, especially if your target audiences are children and teenagers.

2.     DON’T blend in

In a competitive market like the UAE’s, the worst thing you can do is to try and blend in.

Think about your store’s location, and research the different types of signs in the area that yours is going to be competing against.

If all the other stores are using old-school printed signage, get a digital board. If they’re all blue and green, add a little red to yours.

You want to make sure your storefront is the first new customers notice when they’re walking in the locality!

3.     DO hire a professional

The average exterior sign lasts 10-15 years! Since it is such a long-term investment (and an expensive one), make sure you get professional help from one of the signage companies in Dubai.

Hiring a designer is the easiest way to make sure that your storefront is attractive and that your new purchase doesn’t give up on you during its lifetime.

These designers also work with some of the biggest companies in the world, so they know how what factors drive customer buying behavior.

4.     DON’T buy generic

When going through the portfolio of your hired company, you may be tempted to use one of their generic templates in your design. Don’t!

Generic signs that just read ‘hotel’ or ‘furniture store’ don’t give customers any incentive to visit your store or to check out your products.

It’s true that custom designs are more expensive than generic ones, but they more than make up for their initial cost with a massive increase in sales. Some businesses have even experienced a 200% increase in their sales within the first month after installing a new custom sign!


Digital signage is extremely important for all businesses that operate with physical stores, but owners have to ensure their designs are creative and stand out!

Follow the 4 do’s and don’ts listed above, and your storefronts will never miss a new customer again!